Guiding Your Journey to a New Life In Singapore

Bespoke Immigration Consultancy Services

From application for Singapore Long-Term Visit Pass to application for Singapore Citizenship, let us simplify your journey toward a successful and seamless transition to your new life in Singapore.

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Galactic Spark

Our Expert Services

Application for Long-Term Visit Pass

Grants you the opportunity to live in Singapore's dynamic city-state.

Application for Singapore Permanent Residence under the Global Investor Programme

An investment scheme catered for investors with strong entrepreneurial and managerial experience to obtain permanent residence status in Singapore, one of Asia’s most dynamic economies.

Application for Singapore Permanent Residence under the PTS scheme

Catered for professional, technical personnel and skilled workers who are interested in becoming Singapore Permanent Residents after working in Singapore for a period of time

Application for Singapore Permanent Residence under the Family Ties Scheme

Catered for a foreigner who is the spouse of a Singapore citizen or Singapore PR; or an unmarried child aged below 21 years old of a Singapore citizen or Singapore PR; or an aged parent of a Singapore citizen.

Renewal of Re-Entry Permits

Safeguard your residency status with a seamless re-entry permit renewal process.

Application for Singapore Citizenship

Apply and become a full-fledged member of the Singaporean Community
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Customised Services

We offer personalized consultations, meticulous documentation review, and expert advice to maximize the chances of a successful application.

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